It really seems like Sun has serious issues to deliver its Xen-based hypervisor, xVM Server, in time.
The product, along with the enterprise management console Ops Center 2.0, was initially expected for September 10, 2008 but that day Sun, unable to release in time, just re-announced the product line (the first announcement was published in November 2007).
During the second announcement Sun suggested that its virtualization offering may be released within two months (meaning November 2008) but once again the milestone was missed.
Last week, without any press release, Sun decided to release Ops Center 2.0 anyway, despite xVM Server is clearly unready.
At the same time the French magazine LeMagIT (which usually makes great newsbreaks) confirmed that the hypervisor is in late, and that its release is now postponed to Q2 2009.
LeMagIT also unveils that the first edition of xVM Server will not support SAN and iSCSI storage facilities.
For that, customers will have to wait a subsequent release scheduled for H2 2009.