It’s official: Vizioncore is no more the most loyal VMware partner

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It’s not a secret that Vizioncore has been loyal to VMware for years. Since its first product launch the company never supported any hypervisor but ESX.
Several customers managing heterogeneous environments would love to have some Vizioncore products like vRanger running on additional hypervisors or even support cross-platform disaster recovery. But the company always kept its focus on VMware, trying to add value on top of the VMware solution.

The mission is getting harder and harder to accomplish as VMware continues to extend its product portfolio, practically touching every aspect of the virtual data center.

In the last twelve months Vizioncore slowly changed its go-to-market strategy, partially because it embedded Invirtus, a company that was focused on Microsoft technologies, partially because Quest, which is a strong Microsoft partner, completed its acquisition.

The long-term plans are finally emerging: Quest will use Vizioncore as the virtualization subsidiary for the server virtualization management, while the other key acquisition Provision Networks will serve as virtualization subsidiary for the desktop virtualization management.
More than that Vizioncore will open to all virtualization vendors, including VMware, Microsoft, Citrix and even Sun, as the official Quest website reveals.

There’s a huge market out there now that XenServer and Hyper-V are getting some serious traction, and Vizioncore would be crazy to let it go. As already said VMware is no more the only player in town.