One of most requested Microsoft product to be supported in virtual infrastructures is the firewall/proxy ISA Server.
So far the company refused to extend its support policy to it as declared in Knowledge Base article 897614.
Now Microsoft unexpectedly updates another article, 987613, officially declaring support for ISA Server 2006, despite release candidate release notes warning:
ISA Server 2006 has been tested on Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2 and is expected to be fully functional. However, deployment of ISA Server on a Virtual Server 2005 R2 environment should be limited to testing purposes only. Specifically, we do not recommend a Virtual Server 2005 R2 production environment where ISA Server 2006 is expected to serve as the network firewall.
While two different support articles are in contradiction, the most updated one (January 30, 2007) is confirming support and should be considered as most reliable.
Thanks to Andrew Dugdell for the news.