Scalent V/OE now supports QLogic routers and HBAs

Quoting from the Scalent official announcement:

Scalent Systems, the leading provider of server infrastructure repurposing software for large enterprise data centers, today announced that the company has established interoperability between the Scalent Virtual Operating Environment (V/OE) software and the QLogic SANblade Fibre Channel HBAs and SANbox 6000 Series routers.

To achieve this, Scalent has developed two revolutionary software enhancements with Qlogic to improve data center flexibility.
The first, an extension to the HBA driver, lets data centers repurpose servers without changing SAN configuration.
The second, an iSCSI initiator, enables data centers to dynamically link servers and storage over existing Ethernet connections using QLogic SANbox 6140 iSCSI-Fibre Channel routers and any SANblade Fibre Channel HBA…